Interface ISPeerResultInterface

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public interface ISPeerResultInterface
extends Serializable

This interface prescribes the general structure of search results returned by the ISSearch search engine.

Method Summary
 ISFeatureInterface[] getFeatures()
          Returns the array of document-specific features.
 double getScore()
          Returns the relevance (rank) of the document in the context of given query.
 String getURL()
          Returns the absolute URL of the documents as a String.

Method Detail


public double getScore()
Returns the relevance (rank) of the document in the context of given query. The relevance is used in our application scenario for ranked retrieval of query results; the best of them (e.g. top 10) are returned to the user. The document relevance is defined as the similarity between the document and the query (we use the scalar product between two feature vectors that represent the query and the document as the similarity metric).

The relevance of the document in the context of given query.


public ISFeatureInterface[] getFeatures()
Returns the array of document-specific features. The features are pairs (term,weight) that are represented in our framework by objects that implement the interface ISFeatureInterface.

The array of document-specific features.
See Also:
ISFeatureInterface, ISFeature


public String getURL()
Returns the absolute URL of the documents as a String.

The absolute URL of the document as string object.