Oracle9i Database Getting Started Release 2 (9.2) for Windows Part Number A95490-01 |
This chapter describes Oracle9i database default accounts and passwords.
This chapter contains these topics:
Oracle9i installs with a number of default accounts. Database Configuration Assistant locks and expires all default database accounts upon successful installation with the following exceptions:
You must unlock all other accounts before using them. Oracle Corporation recommends changing all user passwords immediately after installation.
Note: If installing Oracle Internet Directory, then change passwords for |
At a minimum, Database Configuration Assistant creates SYS
, and DBSNMP
accounts in all databases. Additional accounts are created depending on components installed. Unlock accounts and change passwords before using them. Table 8-2 describes accounts and passwords.
See Also:
At the end of installation, several configuration assistants automatically start to create and configure your database and network environments. One such assistant is Database Configuration Assistant, which automatically prompts you to change passwords and unlock accounts immediately after installation.
To change a password during database installation and configuration:
Alternatively, use SQL*Plus to unlock accounts and change passwords any time after installation.
To change a password after installation:
C:\> sqlplus /NOLOG
Note: For information on Oracle Enterprise Manager accounts and passwords, see "Parameters for Oracle Performance Monitor for Windows NT" and "Modifying Oracle Performance Monitor for Windows NT Parameters". |
Any database user can be granted a limited SYS
database role privilege to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Diagnostic Pack. Grant users access to these necessary SYS
privileges by granting the OEM_MONITOR
role. This role is created when Oracle9i database is installed and is defined in the SQL script at \
See Also:
Oracle9i SQL Reference for information on the |
Table 8-2 lists Oracle9i default accounts and passwords. It also briefly describes the purpose of each username and shows where to find additional information.
Beginning with Oracle9i release 2 (9.2), the CREATE
statement enables you to specify passwords for users SYS
. Default values shown in Table 8-2 apply only if no password is specified. For more information, see "Protecting Your Database: Specifying Passwords for Users SYS and SYSTEM" in Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.
Username | Password | Description | More Information |
Used for performing database administration tasks. |
Used for performing database administration tasks. |
Allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB. |
Not applicable |
Oracle Text username with |
Includes |
Oracle Label Security administrator username. |
Oracle Spatial and Oracle Locator administrator username. |
Includes |
Oracle interMedia Audio and Video username with |
Oracle interMedia Audio, Video, Locator, and Image administrator username with |
Centrally manages metadata associated with stored outlines. Supports plan stability, which maintains the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. Includes |
Includes |
Used for storing Ultra Search system dictionaries and PL/SQL packages. |
Oracle Ultra Search Online Documentation |
Used for storing Oracle XML DB data and metadata. Includes |
Not applicable |
1 If installing Oracle Internet Directory, then change passwords for SYS and SYSTEM only after Oracle Internet Directory installation is complete.2 If installing Oracle Internet Directory, then change passwords for SYS and SYSTEM only after Oracle Internet Directory installation is complete. SYS includes the following database roles: AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, AQ_USER_ROLE, CONNECT, CTXAPP, DBA, DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS, HS_ADMIN_ROLE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, JAVA_ADMIN, JAVADEBUGPRIV, JAVA_DEPLOY, JAVAIDPRIV, JAVAUSERPRIV, JAVASYSPRIV, LOGSTDBY_ADMINISTRATOR , OEM_MONITOR, OLAP_DBA, RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER, RESOURCE, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, and WKUSER 3 SQL statement must include the privilege AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER. |
See Also:
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