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Euclidean Benchmarks

These metric benchmarks are similar to the k-median instances. They were generated by Kochetov and Ivanenko [1]. In a square of length 7000 n points are chosen. Each point is a facility and a customer (n = m). Opening costs are equal to 3000 for each facility, connection costs are the distances in the Euclidean plane. Values are rounded to integers and satisfy the triangular inequality. For the present instances n was chosen to be 100.

Some more information is available at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. Here experimental results are reported, and the instances are available for download in a different data format. The UflLib-package contains the same instances in the simple data format. They can be downloaded here.


[1] Yu. Kochetov and D. Ivanenko
Computationally Difficult Instances for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem
Proceedings of the 5th Metaheuristic Conference (MIC 2003), Kyoto, 2003.