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Uniform Benchmarks

Similar instances: Bilde-Krarup, Koerkel-Ghosh

These benchmarks were generated by Kochetov and Ivanenko [1]. Opening costs for each of the n facilities is set to 3000. Connection costs for the m = n customers is drawn uniformly at random from the interval [0, 10000]. For the present instances n was chosen to be 100.

Some more information is available at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. Here experimental results are reported, and the instances are available for download in a different data format. The UflLib-package contains the same instances in the simple data format. They can be downloaded here.


[1] Yu.Kochetov and D. Ivanenko
Computationally Difficult Instances for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem
Proceedings of the 5th Metaheuristic Conference (MIC 2003), Kyoto, 2003.