failed() - Static method in class javatools.administrative.Announce
Writes "failed NEWLINE"
familyName - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Name
Name component with an optional familyNamePrefix and postfix
familyName() - Method in class javatools.parsers.Name.PersonName
Returns the familyName.
familyName - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NameML
Name component with an optional familyNamePrefix and postfix
familyName() - Method in class javatools.parsers.NameML.PersonNameML
Returns the familyName.
familyNamePrefix - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Name
Contains common family name prefixes (like "von")
familyNamePrefix() - Method in class javatools.parsers.Name.PersonName
Returns the familyNamePrefix.
familyNamePrefix - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NameML
Contains common family name prefixes (like "von")
familyNamePrefix() - Method in class javatools.parsers.NameML.PersonNameML
Returns the familyNamePrefix.
familyNamePrefixPattern - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Name
familyNamePrefixPattern - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NameML
familyNameSuffix - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Name
Contains common name suffixes (like "Junior")
familyNameSuffix() - Method in class javatools.parsers.Name.PersonName
Returns the familyNameSuffix.
familyNameSuffix - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NameML
Contains common name suffixes (like "Junior")
familyNameSuffix() - Method in class javatools.parsers.NameML.PersonNameML
Returns the familyNameSuffix.
familyNameSuffixPattern - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Name
familyNameSuffixPattern - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NameML
familyNameWithAffixes() - Method in class javatools.parsers.Name.PersonName
Returns the familyName with prefix
FastFrequencyVector - Class in javatools.datatypes
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FastFrequencyVector() - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FastFrequencyVector
figure(FigureProducer.Table, File) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer
Writes a neat figure to a jpg file for a table
FigureProducer - Class in javatools.filehandlers
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FigureProducer() - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer
FigureProducer.Alignment - Enum in javatools.filehandlers
Alignment within a cell (left/right/center)
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor - Class in javatools.filehandlers
describes a column
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor(String, FigureProducer.Alignment, boolean) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor(String, FigureProducer.Alignment) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
FigureProducer.Table - Class in javatools.filehandlers
Holds table data
FigureProducer.Table(String, FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor...) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.Table
file(File, String...) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileSet
Constructs a file from a folder, subfolder names and a filename
FileLines - Class in javatools.filehandlers
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FileLines(String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a filename
FileLines(File) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a file
FileLines(String, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a filename, shows progress bar
FileLines(String, String, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a filename with a given encoding, shows progress bar
FileLines(File, String, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a file with an encoding, shows progress bar (main constructor 1)
FileLines(File, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a file, shows progress bar (main constructor 2)
FileLines(Reader) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a Reader
FileLines(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Constructs FileLines from a BufferedReader (main constructor 3)
FileSet - Class in javatools.filehandlers
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FileSet(String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileSet
Constructs a FileSet from a wildcard string (including path)
FileSet(File) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileSet
Constructs a FileSet from a wildcard string (including path)
FileSet(File, String) - Constructor for class javatools.filehandlers.FileSet
Constructs a FileSet from a wildcard string
FileUtils - Class in javatools.util
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FileUtils() - Constructor for class javatools.util.FileUtils
FilteredIterator<T> - Class in javatools.datatypes
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FilteredIterator(Iterator<T>, FilteredIterator.If<T>) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FilteredIterator
FilteredIterator.If<T> - Interface in javatools.datatypes
FilteredIterator.IgnoreErrors<T> - Class in javatools.datatypes
Wraps an iterator and skips elements that produce an exception
FilteredIterator.IgnoreErrors(Iterator<T>, int) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FilteredIterator.IgnoreErrors
Wraps the iterator, allowing a number of consecutive failures before returning hasNext()==false
finalize() - Method in class javatools.database.Database
Closes the connection
finalize() - Method in class javatools.database.ResultIterator
Closes the resultset
finalize() - Method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Closes the reader
finalize() - Method in class javatools.filehandlers.MatchReader
Closes the reader
FinalMap<T1 extends java.lang.Comparable,T2> - Class in javatools.datatypes
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FinalMap(Object...) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FinalMap
Constructs a FinalMap from an array that contains key/value sequences
FinalSet<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> - Class in javatools.datatypes
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FinalSet(boolean, T...) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FinalSet
Constructs a FinalSet from an array, clones and sorts the array if indicated.
FinalSet(T...) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FinalSet
Constructs a FinalSet from an array that does not need to be cloned
find(Reader, String...) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Reads until one of the strings is found, returns its index or -1.
find(Reader, StringBuilder, String...) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Reads until one of the strings is found, returns its index or -1.
findColumn(String) - Method in class javatools.database.DummyDatabase.DummyResultSet
findIgnoreCase(Reader, String...) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Reads until one of the strings is found, returns its index or -1.
findMax() - Method in class javatools.datatypes.DoubleHashMap
Finds the maximum value
findMax() - Method in class javatools.datatypes.IntHashMap
Finds the maximum value
first() - Method in class javatools.database.DummyDatabase.DummyResultSet
first - Variable in class javatools.datatypes.Pair
Holds the first component
first() - Method in class javatools.datatypes.Pair
Returns the first
firstCharAfterSpace(Reader) - Static method in class javatools.filehandlers.FileLines
Skips space
firstChild() - Method in class javatools.datatypes.PQRTree.Node
Returns the first child
firstTiePos() - Method in class javatools.datatypes.FrequencyVector
Returns the first position in sortedTerms that has equal number of applications to its successor
fiveDigits - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NumberFormatter
Predefined NumberFormatter for #####
FLOAT - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NumberParser
A number as a capturing RegEx
flush() - Method in class javatools.database.Database
Flush the connection
flush() - Method in class javatools.database.Database.Inserter
Flushes the batch
flush() - Method in class javatools.filehandlers.MultiWriter
flush() - Method in class javatools.filehandlers.SimpleOutputStreamWriter
flush() - Method in class javatools.filehandlers.UTF8Writer
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.Database
Formats an object appropriately (provided that its class is in java2SQL)
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.MySQLDatabase.ANSIvarcharBin
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.MySQLDatabase.Blob
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.MySQLDatabase.MysqlVarchar
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.OracleDatabase.Bool
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.OracleDatabase.Varchar
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.PostgresDatabase.Postgretext
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.PostgresDatabase.PostgreVarchar
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIBigint
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIblob
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIboolean
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIchar
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIfloat
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIinteger
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIsmallint
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSItext
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSItimestamp
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType.ANSIvarchar
format(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.SQLType
Formats an object to a valid SQL literal of the given type
format(double) - Method in class javatools.parsers.NumberFormatter
Converts a double to a String
formatMS(long) - Static method in class javatools.parsers.NumberFormatter
Converts milliseconds to a nice String
formatNullToNull(Object) - Method in class javatools.database.Database
Formats an object appropriately (provided that its class is in java2SQL) and assigns NULL if the given object is a null pointer
formi - Variable in class javatools.filehandlers.FigureProducer.ColumnDescriptor
fourDigits - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NumberFormatter
Predefined NumberFormatter for ####
fourFractions - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.NumberFormatter
Predefined NumberFormatter for #.####
FRENCH - Static variable in class javatools.parsers.Language
FrequencyVector<T,V extends java.lang.Number & java.lang.Comparable<V>> - Class in javatools.datatypes
This class is part of the Java Tools (see http://mpii.de/yago-naga/javatools).
FrequencyVector(Map<T, V>) - Constructor for class javatools.datatypes.FrequencyVector
Constructs a frequency vector.
fuzzyPrecision(DoubleHashMap<K>, DoubleHashMap<K>) - Static method in class javatools.datatypes.FastFrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy precision of this vector wrt the other vector
fuzzyPrecision(IntHashMap<K>, IntHashMap<K>) - Static method in class javatools.datatypes.FastFrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy precision of this vector wrt the other vector
fuzzyPrecisionWithRespectTo(FrequencyVector<T, V>) - Method in class javatools.datatypes.FrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy Precision
fuzzyRecall(DoubleHashMap<K>, DoubleHashMap<K>) - Static method in class javatools.datatypes.FastFrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy recall of this vector wrt the other vector
fuzzyRecall(IntHashMap<K>, IntHashMap<K>) - Static method in class javatools.datatypes.FastFrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy recall of this vector wrt the other vector
fuzzyRecallWithRespectTo(FrequencyVector<T, V>) - Method in class javatools.datatypes.FrequencyVector
Computes the fuzzy recall