Oracle9i Database Master Index: H
(Release 2 (9.2))
Shortcuts to Letters
Index Entries
- halting a single pack (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- haltone command (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- handle attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- reading (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- setting (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- handle functions (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- handlers, exception (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- handles (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- advantages of (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- allocating (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- bind handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- C datatypes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- child freed when parent freed (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- define handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- describe handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- direct path (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- environment handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- error handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- freeing (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- process (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- process attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- server handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- service context handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- statement handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- subscription (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- transaction handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- types (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- user session handle (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- handles for SQL statements (Concepts)
- definition (Concepts)
- handlesMime( ) method (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- handling exceptions (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- raised in declaration (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- raised in handler (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- using OTHERS handler (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- handling of nulls (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- handshake
- SSL (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- hanja attribute (Text Reference)
- hard dependency (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- hard links, rules with BFILEs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
- hardware
- evaluating (Administrator's Guide)
- for cluster database processing (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- scalability (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- Hardware and Network Scalability (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- hardware components (Performance Planning)
- hardware configuration
- keeping records of (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
- hardware multiplexing
- definition (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
- hardware requirements (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- hardware requirements for spatial applications (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- hardware-based connection redirection (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- hasAttribute(String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.hasAttribute(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasAttributeNS(String, String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.hasAttributeNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasAttributes() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.hasAttributes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasAttributes() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.hasAttributes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasChildNodes() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.DTD.hasChildNodes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasChildNodes() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.hasChildNodes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasChildNodes() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.hasChildNodes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasFeature(String, String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDOMImplementation.hasFeature(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hash
- distribution value (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- hash area size (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- hash clusters
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- advantages and disadvantages (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- altering (Administrator's Guide)
- choosing key (Administrator's Guide)
- contrasted with index (Concepts)
- contrasted with index clusters (Administrator's Guide)
- controlling space use of (Administrator's Guide)
- creating (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- dropping (Administrator's Guide)
- estimating storage (Administrator's Guide)
- examples (Administrator's Guide)
- hash function (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Administrator's Guide)
- HASH IS option (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- HASHKEYS option (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- scans of (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- single-table (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- SIZE option (Administrator's Guide)
- specifying hash function for (SQL Reference)
- hash functions
- for hash cluster (Administrator's Guide)
- HASH hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- HASH indexes in aggregation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- HASH IS clause
- of CREATE CLUSTER (SQL Reference)
- hash join enabled (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- hash joins (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- allocating memory for (SQL Reference)
- enabling and disabling (SQL Reference)
- index join (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- hash multi-block I/O count (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- hash partitioned index-organized tables
- downgrading (Migration)
- hash partitioned objects
- for hot block performance issues (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- hash partitioning
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- creating tables using (Administrator's Guide)
- index-organized tables (Administrator's Guide)
- when to use (Administrator's Guide)
- hash partitioning clause
- of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- hash partitions (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- adding (SQL Reference)
- coalescing (SQL Reference)
- examples of (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- hash tables
- simulating with associative arrays (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- hash values (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- hashing (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- passwords to the directory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- protection
- MD4 (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- hashing, password (Security Overview)
- HASHKEYS clause
- of CREATE CLUSTER (SQL Reference)
- HASH_AJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
- HASH_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- and parallel execution (Data Warehousing Guide)
- setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
- setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
- HASH_JOIN_ENABLED initialization parameter (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
- setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
- HASH_SJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- hasMoreElements (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- hasMoreElements() - oracle.xdb.spi.XDBNamingEnumeration.hasMoreElements() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- HASPATH operator (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Text Reference)
- examples (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- HASPATH, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- HAVING condition
- of GROUP BY clause (SQL Reference)
- HEAD clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HEAD option (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- header files and libraries, required (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
- HEADER precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- headers
- aligning elements (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- displaying at top of page (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- displaying system-maintained values (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- of data blocks (Concepts)
- of row pieces (Concepts)
- setting at the start of reports (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- suppressing (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HEADERS, optional (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- HEADING clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HEADING variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- headings
- aligning elements (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- column headings (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- formatting elements (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- H1 Head1 (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
- indenting (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- listing current definition (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- suppressing definition (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HEADSEP variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- use in COLUMN command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- health check (Data Guard Broker)
- monitoring (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
- revealed by configuration status (Data Guard Broker)
- heap
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- heap memory
- allocating cursor variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- heap tables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- heap-organized tables
- [entry #2] (New Features)
- creating (SQL Reference)
- heartbeat monitor (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- troubleshooting (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- heartbeat monitor messages (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- heavy trace debugging (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- HEIGHT, parameter for APPLET tag (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- helo() function
- of UTL_SMTP (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- Help
- button, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- help
- accessing the glossary (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- displaying the Contents page (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- finding a particular type of topic (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- finding a specific topic (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- iSQL*Plus online (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- locating a conceptual or task topic (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- obtaining for a particular context (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- using (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- help
- accessing for Oracle Capacity Planner (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- accessing the glossary (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- displaying the Contents page (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- finding a particular type of topic (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- finding a specific topic (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- for charts (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- Help menu in Oracle TopSessions (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- locating a conceptual or task topic (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- obtaining for a particular context (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- using (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- HELP command (Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- of Listener Control utility (Net Services Reference Guide)
- of Oracle Connection Manager Control utility (Net Services Reference Guide)
- of Oracle Names Control utility (Net Services Reference Guide)
- sample (Data Guard Broker)
- help command (Java Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- Help menu (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- INCLUDE option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- Input File dialog box (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- large objects (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- linking (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- Listing/Errors dialog box (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- LOBs (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- menu bar (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- Microsoft Visual C++
- integrating Pro*C/C++ into (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- integrating Pro*C/C++ into (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
- help option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- help options (sqlj -help-xxxx) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- HELP parameter
- for Export utility (Utilities)
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- for Import utility (Utilities)
- help parameter
- Character Set Scanner (Globalization Support Guide)
- help, online (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- heterogeneous distributed systems
- accessing (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- definition (Administrator's Guide)
- heterogeneous information sharing (Streams)
- non-Oracle to non-Oracle (Streams)
- non-Oracle to Oracle (Streams)
- apply process (Streams)
- capturing changes (Streams)
- instantiation (Streams)
- Heterogeneous Services
- agent control utility (agtctl) (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- agent registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- avoiding configuration mismatches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- disabling (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- enabling (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- self-registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- agents (Reference)
- compatibility (Migration)
- interoperability (Migration)
- multithreaded (Migration)
- application development
- controlling array fetches between non-Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- controlling array fetches between Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- controlling reblocking of array fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- DBMS_HS_PASSTHOUGH package (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- pass-through SQL (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- using bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- using OCI for bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- configuring connections to (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- multiple hierarchically (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- multiple hierarchically (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- multiple hierarchically related (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- required by root administrative regions (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- with a single domain naming structure (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- creating database links (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- data dictionary views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- types (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- understanding sources (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- using general views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- using SQL service views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- using transaction service views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- defining maximum number of open cursors (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- dynamic performance views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- V$HS_AGENT view (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- V$HS_SESSION view (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- Generic Connectivity
- architecture (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- creating initialization file (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- definition (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- editing initialization file (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- non-Oracle data dictionary access (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- ODBC connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- OLE DB (FS) connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- OLE DB (SQL) connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- restrictions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- setting parameters for ODBC source (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- setting parameters for OLE DB source (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- SQL execution (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- supported functions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- supported SQL syntax (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- supported tables (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- types of agents (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- initialization parameters (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- installing data dictionary (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- multithreaded agents (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- optimizing data transfer (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- overview (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- setting global name (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- setting up access using Transparent Gateway (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- setting up environment (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- specifying cache high water mark (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- specifying cache size (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- specifying commit point strength (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- SQL service (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- testing connections (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- transaction service (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- tuning internal data buffering (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- tuning LONG data transfer (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HeteroRM XA (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- HEVEN operator for allocation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- hexadecimal string
- passing to DBMS_LOB.WRITE() (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
- [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
- hexadecimal strings
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- hexadecimal value
- returning (SQL Reference)
- HEXTORAW function (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- data conversion (Concepts)
- HEX_BINARY - oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDTypeConstants.HEX_BINARY (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
- HFEEDBACK procedure (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Text Reference)
- example (Text Reference)
- result table (Text Reference)
- HFILE OTT parameter (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- HFIRST operator for allocation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- HH datetime format element (SQL Reference)
- calling (SQL Reference)
- changing the declaration of (SQL Reference)
- changing the definition of (SQL Reference)
- datatype of return value (SQL Reference)
- datetime (SQL Reference)
- DECODE (SQL Reference)
- defining an index on (SQL Reference)
- examples (SQL Reference)
- executing (SQL Reference)
- from parallel query processes (SQL Reference)
- external (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- inverse distribution (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- issuing COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements (SQL Reference)
- linear regression (SQL Reference)
- naming rules (SQL Reference)
- partitioning
- among parallel query processes (SQL Reference)
- privileges executed with (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- re-creating (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- recompiling explicitly (SQL Reference)
- recompiling invalid (SQL Reference)
- removing from the database (SQL Reference)
- returning collections (SQL Reference)
- returning results iteratively (SQL Reference)
- schema executed in (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- specifying schema and user privileges for (SQL Reference)
- statistics (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- stored (SQL Reference)
- storing return value of (SQL Reference)
- synonyms for (SQL Reference)
- table (SQL Reference)
- user-defined (SQL Reference)
- aggregate (SQL Reference)
- user_defined
- as expressions (SQL Reference)
- using a saved copy (SQL Reference)
- HH12 datetime format element (SQL Reference)
- HH24 datetime format element (SQL Reference)
- hidden declarations (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- HIDE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HIDE option
- default (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- discussion of (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- example (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- importing hidden column (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inserting data (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- introduction (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- not exported (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- per-table basis (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- PL/SQL restriction (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- schema level (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- hiding
- a chart legend (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- the list of predefined analyses (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- hiding PL/SQL code (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- hierarchical charts (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [entry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- [entry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- hierarchical cubes (Data Warehousing Guide)
- hierarchical dimensions
- [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- defined (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- defining variables for (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- drilling down (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- example of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- limiting based on relationship within (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- self-relations for (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- hierarchical indexing, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- hierarchical mapping (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- hierarchical materialized views. (Concepts)
- hierarchical naming model
- hierarchical queries (SQL Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
- child rows (SQL Reference)
- as expressions (SQL Reference)
- hierarchical query clause
- of SELECT and subqueries (SQL Reference)
- hierarchical query feedback information
- generating (Text Reference)
- hierarchical relationships
- in thesaurus import file (Text Reference)
- hierarchies (Concepts)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- adding to a dimension (SQL Reference)
- creating (OLAP User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- creating Source objects for (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- custom sorting (OLAP User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- defined (OLAP User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- definition (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- drilling down (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- dropping from a dimension (SQL Reference)
- how used (Data Warehousing Guide)
- in OLAP metadata (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- join key (Concepts)
- levels (Concepts)
- MdmHierarchy objects (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- multiple (Data Warehousing Guide)
- node and leaf terminology (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- of dimensions (SQL Reference)
- overview (Data Warehousing Guide)
- retrieving default (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- rolling up and drilling down (Data Warehousing Guide)
- viewing (OLAP User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
- hierarchy
- objects in a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #4] (Data Guard Broker)
- removing (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- workspaces (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- HIERARCHY clause
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- hierarchy dimension
- defined (OLAP User's Guide)
- HIERARCHY subclause (limit maps) (OLAP User's Guide)
- HIERHEIGHT command (OLAP User's Guide)
- high availability
- [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- and multimaster replication (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- and Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- benefit of cluster databases (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- benefits (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- capabilities in Oracle Internet Directory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- cluster interconnects (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- configurations for (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- configurations, benefits of (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- configuring (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- definition (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- deployment, examples (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- full active configurations (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- grades of data protection (Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
- log transport services
- ARCH mode (Data Guard Broker)
- ASYNC mode (Data Guard Broker)
- SYNC mode (Data Guard Broker)
- LogXptMode property (Data Guard Broker)
- of Oracle Internet Directory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- primary and secondary instances (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- provided by Data Guard (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- Streams (Streams)
- advantages (Streams)
- apply (Streams)
- best practices (Streams)
- capture (Streams)
- database links (Streams)
- propagation (Streams)
- Transparent Application Failover (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- high availability node configurations
- benefits of (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- high water mark (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- definition (Concepts)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- direct-path INSERT (Concepts)
- of clusters (SQL Reference)
- of indexes (SQL Reference)
- of tables (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- high-watermark (Streams)
- HIGHLIGHT procedure (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Text Reference)
- example (Text Reference)
- result table (Text Reference)
- highlight table
- example (Text Reference)
- structure (Text Reference)
- highlighting
- about (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- generating markup (Text Reference)
- generating offsets (Text Reference)
- overview (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- with NEAR operator (Text Reference)
- XML documents with Oracle Text (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- highlighting text (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- highlighting themes (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- HIGH_VALUE statistics (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- hint, DETERMINISTIC (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- hint, NOCOPY (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- hint, optimizer (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- hints (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [entry #4] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- access paths (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- ALL_ROWS hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- AND_EQUAL hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- as used in outlines (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- CACHE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- cannot override sample access path (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- CHOOSE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- CLUSTER hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- COST (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- CURSOR_SHARING_EXACT hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- degree of parallelism (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- DRIVING_SITE (Administrator's Guide)
- EXPAND_GSET_TO_UNION hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- extensible optimization (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- FACT hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- FIRST_ROWS hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- FIRST_ROWS(n) (Data Warehousing Guide)
- FIRST_ROWS(n) hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- for the ORACLE SQL statement optimizer (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- FORCE_UNION_REWRITE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- FULL hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- global (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- HASH hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- HASH_AJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- HASH_SJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- how to use (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- in DELETE statements (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in SELECT statements (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in SQL statements (SQL Reference)
- in UPDATE statements (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- INDEX hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
- INDEX_ASC hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- INDEX_DESC hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
- INDEX_FFS (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- INDEX_JOIN (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- join operations (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- LEADING hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- MERGE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- MERGE_AJ and HASH_AJ (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- MERGE_AJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- MERGE_SJ and HASH_SJ (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- MERGE_SJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NL_AJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NL_SJ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NOCACHE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NOPARALLEL hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NOREWRITE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NO_EXPAND hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NO_FACT hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- execution order of steps in output (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- invoking with the TKPROF program (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- PLAN_TABLE table (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- restrictions (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- scripts for viewing output (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- viewing the output (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NO_INDEX (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NO_INDEX hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NO_MERGE (Administrator's Guide)
- NO_MERGE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NO_PUSH_PRED hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NO_PUSH_SUBQ (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- NO_PUSH_SUBQ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- NO_UNNEST hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- optimization approach and goal (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- ORDERED hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- overriding optimizer choice (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- overriding OPTIMIZER_MODE (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- PARALLEL (Data Warehousing Guide)
- PARALLEL hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- parallel query option (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- PARALLEL_INDEX (Data Warehousing Guide)
- passing to the optimizer (SQL Reference)
- PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- PUSH_PRED hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- PUSH_SUBQ hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- query rewrite (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- REWRITE hint (SQL Reference)
- ROWID hint (SQL Reference)
- RULE (Reference)
- RULE hint (SQL Reference)
- syntax (SQL Reference)
- USE_CONCAT hint (SQL Reference)
- USE_MERGE hint (SQL Reference)
- USE_NL hint (SQL Reference)
- using to tune distributed queries (Administrator's Guide)
- hints in code, parameter sizes (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- HINT_LIST networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- histograms (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- creating equiwidth (SQL Reference)
- creating with user-defined buckets (Data Warehousing Guide)
- number of buckets (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- HISTOGRAM_ANALYSIS procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- historical data (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Planning)
- historical data
- importance of (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- [subentry #2] (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- historical data collection
- aggregation of data in (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- setting up a (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- specifying a target for (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- specifying the age of the data saved for analysis (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- specifying the classes of data to collect (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- stopping for a class of data (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- historical database
- connecting to (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- contents of data tables for classes in (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- disconnecting from (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- names of data tables for a class (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- specifying the location of a (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- understanding the class reference table (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- understanding the data tables for a class in (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- understanding the logical structure of (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- understanding the service reference table (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- unsupported modifications to (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- historical tables
- moving time window (Administrator's Guide)
- history entries
- saving to a file (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- sorting on the History page (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- sorting on the Pending page (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- viewing for a change plan (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- viewing for a comparison (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- viewing for a task (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- history entries
- saving to a file (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- sorting on the History page (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- viewing for a comparison (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- viewing for a task (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- history of LDAP (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
- history option
- EnableVersioning procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- History page
- manually moving a pending task to (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- removing a task (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- viewing new history entries for (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
- History page
- removing a task (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- viewing new history entries for (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- History Page (Events Page) (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
- History screen (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- history views (xxx_HIST) (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- hit count (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- hit counting (Text Reference)
- hitlist
- presenting (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- HI_SHARED_MEMORY_ADDRESS initialization parameter (Reference)
- setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
- HI_SHARED_MEMORY_ADDRESS parameter (Concepts)
- HLAST operator for allocation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- holdability (cursor states, WITH clause) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- precompiler option
- used to improved performance (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- what it affects (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- HOLD_CURSOR clause (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
- HOLD_CURSOR option
- of ORACLE Precompilers (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using to improve performance (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- what it affects (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- HOLD_CURSOR precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- HOME environment variable
- setting for INSO (Text Reference)
- home node (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- Home Selector (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
- homographs
- in broader term queries (Text Reference)
- in queries (Text Reference)
- in thesaurus import file (Text Reference)
- horizontal orientation
- of a chart (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
- [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
- [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
- horizontal partitioning. See row subsetting (Advanced Replication)
- horizontal tab (escape sequence) (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- host (machine name) (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
- host arrays
- advantages of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- bulk binds (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- declaring (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- dimensioning (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in the DELETE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in the INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in the SELECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in the UPDATE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in the WHERE clause (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- matching sizes of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- referencing (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- restrictions on (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #5] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- used as input host variables (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- used as output host variables (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in dynamic SQL method 4 (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in dynamic SQL statements (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using the FOR clause with (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using to improve performance (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- when not allowed (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host arrays
- declaring (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- multidimensional (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- restrictions on (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- HOST command (Real Application Clusters Administration)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #5] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- host expressions
- basic syntax (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- bind by identifier (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- evaluation at runtime (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- examples (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- examples of evaluation at runtime (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- iterators and result sets as host variables (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- overview (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- restrictions (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- selecting a nested table (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- supported types for JDBC 2.0 (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- type support for Oracle8/Oracle7 (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- type support for Oracle8i (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- type support summary (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
- host language
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host name
- specifying (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- host naming
- advantages and disadvantages (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- configuring (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- connecting with (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- establishing a connection with (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- listener configuration for (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- recommended for (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- requirements (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- HOST networking parameter (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- [entry #3] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- [entry #4] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- host operating system
- editor (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- file, loading into buffer (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- running commands from SQL*Plus (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HOST precompiler option (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host program
- definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host programs (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host string (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- installing SQL*Plus online help (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- iSQL*Plus
- add a server (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- add a server (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- configuring the extension (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- defining server connect string (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- defining server mode, load or execute (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- defining server name (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- defining server URL (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- Extension for Windows (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- Extension for Windows registry entries (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- extension, setting file association (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- iSQL*Plus registry entry (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- modify a server definition (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- remove a server (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- remove a server definition (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- Server registry entry (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- setting language in extension (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- language, setting for iSQL*Plus extension (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- load, iSQL*Plus extension (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- LOCAL parameter (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- Log On dialog (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- login, automatic (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- LOGIN.SQL file (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- menus, Windows GUI (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- modify iSQL*Plus extension server definition (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- mouse, using to copy command (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- MS-DOS, accessing from SQL*Plus (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- multiple Oracle homes, specifying font (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- name, iSQL*Plus extension (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- net_service_name
- online help
- accessing online help (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- installation prerequisites (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- installing (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- obtaining for SQL*Plus (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- obtaining for SQL*Plus (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
- host structures
- arrays in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host table elements
- maximum (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host table example (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host tables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- advantages (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- dimensioning (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- multi-dimensional (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- operations on (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- referencing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- restrictions (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- restrictions on (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- support for (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in dynamic SQL statements (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in the DELETE statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in the INSERT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in the SELECT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in the UPDATE statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in the WHERE clause (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using the FOR clause (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using to improve performance (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- variable-length (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host variables (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- assigning a value (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- assigning values to (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declarations (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #5] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring and naming (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- definition (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- dummy (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host variable equivalencing (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in EXECUTE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in OPEN statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- in user exits (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- initializing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- input versus output (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- length up to 30 characters (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- must resolve to an address (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- naming (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- overview (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- overview of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- referencing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- requirements (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- restrictions (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- restrictions on (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- rules for naming (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using in PL/SQL (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- where allowed (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- host variables
- attribute factoring in declaration of (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- compatibility with database objects (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- declaring (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- definition of (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- naming (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- passed to a subroutine (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- referencing (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- restrictions on (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- rules for naming (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- scope of (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- using with PL/SQL (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- where to declare (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- host variables (SQL)
- input (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- output (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
- host-based failover (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
- host.equiv file (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
- hostname (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- hosts file (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- hot backup mode
- for online user-managed backups (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
- hot backup mode. See backup mode (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
- hot backups
- failed (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
- ending with ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
- inconsistent whole database backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
- hot blocks
- objects (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- resolving performance issues for (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
- hours of service (Performance Planning)
- How This Manual is Organized (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
- HP's OpenView (Administrator's Guide)
- HP/UX (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- HS networking parameter (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
- HS_ADMIN_ROLE role (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- HS_ALL_CAPS view (Reference)
- HS_ALL_DD view (Reference)
- HS_ALL_INITS view (Reference)
- HS_AUTOREGISTER initialization parameter (Reference)
- setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
- using to enable agent self-registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_BASE_CAPS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_BASE_DD view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_CLASS_CAPS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_CLASS_DD view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_CLASS_INIT view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_DESCRIBE_CACHE_HWM initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS view (Reference)
- HS_FDS_CLASS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- specifying connection information (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_INST view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- enabling agent tracing (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_INST_CAPS view (Reference)
- HS_INST_DD view (Reference)
- HS_INST_INIT view (Reference)
- HS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_NLS_NCHAR initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_ROWID_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_RPC_FETCH_SIZE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- HS_TIME_ZONE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- bypassing filtering (Text Reference)
- clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- displaying within PSP files (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- entities (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- errors (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- filtering to (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
- generating highlight offsets for (Text Reference)
- highlight markup (Text Reference)
- highlighting example (Text Reference)
- indexing (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
- [subentry #4] (Text Reference)
- [subentry #5] (Text Reference)
- [subentry #6] (Text Reference)
- indexing example (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- option (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- parsing (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- retrieving from PL/SQL (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- running dynamic reports (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- searching META tags (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- spooling to file (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- tag (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- zone section example (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
- HTML tags, to deploy applets (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- example (Text Reference)
- HTML_SECTION_GROUP object (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Text Reference)
- [entry #5] (Text Reference)
- [entry #6] (Text Reference)
- [entry #7] (Text Reference)
- with NULL_FILTER (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
- HTML_SECTION_GROUP system-defined preference (Text Reference)
- HTP and HTF packages (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- htpasswd
- adding username/password file entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HTTP (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- [entry #3] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- [entry #4] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- [entry #5] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- access for DBUri-refs (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- accessing AQ XML servlet (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- accessing Java servlet or XMLType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- accessing Repository resources (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- AQ operations over (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- configuration parameters (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- creating default tables (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- headers (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- HTTPS security (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HttpUriType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- improved performance (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- Oracle XML DB servlets (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- propagation (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- protocol server (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- requests (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- response (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- security (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- servlets (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- UriFactory (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- using UriRefs to store pointers (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- http
- // (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- HTTP presentation (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- dedicated server configuration (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- shared server configuration (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- HTTP protocol (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- HTTP protocol adaptor (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
- HTTP protocols (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- HTTP proxy server
- setting (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- specifying (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- HTTP Server
- adding authentication entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- authentication (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- authentication username/password entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- configuring (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- configuring globalization support (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- enabling DBA (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- testing configuration file (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- HTTP URLs (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- httpd.conf (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- testing httpd.conf edits (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- httpProxyPort parameter (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- httpProxyServer parameter (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
- HTTPS (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- propagation (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
- HTTPS protocol adaptor (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
- HttpSessionBindingListener (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
- HttpUriType (XML API Reference - XDK and Oracle XML DB)
- accesses remote pages (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- defined (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- HTTPURITYPE, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- http_proxy attribute (Text Reference)
- hub configuration (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- four-node (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
- hub-and-spoke architecture (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- architecture (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- transmitted over Internet (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- XML schema (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
- human intervention queue (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- syntax (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
- hybrid indexing (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- hypertext markup language (HTML) (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- Hypertext Markup Language, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- Hypertext Transport Protocol, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- hypertext, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
- hyphen, continuing SQL*Plus command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- hyphenation
- of host variable names (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- hypothetical rank (Data Warehousing Guide)

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