
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <exception>
00003 #include <ctime>
00004 #include <string>
00005 #include <limits>
00006 #include "math/rcrtmath.h"
00007 #include "RGBAColor.h"
00008 #include "primitives/Triangle.h"
00009 #include "primitives/Sphere.h"
00010 #include "BIH.hpp"
00011 #include "loaders/ObjectLoader.h"
00012 #include "loaders/SceneLoader.h"
00013 #include "loaders/AnimLoader.h"
00014 #include "lights/lights.h"
00015 #include "lights/sampling/AreaLightSampler.h"
00016 #include "cameras/PerspectiveCamera.h"
00017 #include "Scene.h"
00018 #include "textures/Texture.hpp"
00019 #include "tracing/DebugTracer.h"
00020 #include "tracing/RayCaster.h"
00021 #include "tracing/SimpleTracer.h"
00022 #include "tracing/BIHTracer.h"
00023 #include "tracing/StereoMetaTracer.h"
00024 #include "tracing/ThreadedMetaTracer.h"
00025 #include "textures/Image.h"
00026 #include "materials/Material.h"
00027 #include "materials/BSDFMaterial.h"
00028 #include "materials/DebugMaterial.h"
00029 #include "materials/BlackMaterial.h"
00030 #include "materials/MirrorMaterial.h"
00031 #include "materials/DielectricMaterial.h"
00032 #include "bxdf/BSDF.h"
00033 #include "bxdf/Lambertian.h"
00034 #include "bxdf/Phong.h"
00035 #include "bxdf/CookTorrance.h"
00036 #include "primitives/ConvexQuad.h"
00037 #include "primitives/DisplacedTriangle.h"
00038 #include "textures/ImageTexture.h"
00041 using namespace rcrt;
00042 using namespace std;
00043 /*
00044 void testTracer2()
00045 {
00046         PerspectiveCamera cam(49.134342, Point3D(-0.145180,-13.305592,3.270175),
00047                         Vec3D(0.016829,0.999128,-0.038211), Vec3D(-0.005218,0.038304,0.999252), 640, 480);
00048         cout << "cam" << endl;
00050         Texture<Point2D>* tex;
00052         vector<Traceable*>* list = new vector<Traceable*>();
00053         clock_t start = clock();
00054         ObjectLoader ol("mirror-s_Scene-o_Cone.xml");
00055         clock_t end = clock();
00056         double dif = end-start;
00057         cout << "loading and building time: " << dif/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s" << endl;
00058         Object* suzanne = ol.getObject();
00059         BSDF lambert;
00060         BSDF phong;
00061         lambert.addBXDF(new Lambertian(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9)));
00062         phong.addBXDF(new Phong(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9),0.6,0.4,10));
00063         BSDFMaterial matP = BSDFMaterial(phong);
00064         BSDFMaterial matL = BSDFMaterial(lambert);
00065         BSDF cooktorr;
00066         //Gold :: 0.370 :: 2.820
00067         //Silver :: 0.177 :: 3.638
00068         //Copper :: 0.617 :: 2.63
00069         //Steel :: 2.485 :: 3.433
00070         cooktorr.addBXDF(new CookTorrance(RGBColor(0.427, 0.278, 0), 0.40, 0.4, complex<float>(0.370,2.820)));
00071         BSDFMaterial mc(cooktorr);
00072         suzanne->setMaterial(&mc);
00073         list->push_back(suzanne);
00074         //plane->setMaterial(&matL);
00075         */
00076         /*AffineObject spheres1("Spheres1");
00077         AffineObject spheres2("Spheres2");
00078         vector<Primitive*>* spList1 = new vector<Primitive*>();
00079         vector<Primitive*>* spList2 = new vector<Primitive*>();
00080         Sphere* sph1 = new Sphere(Point3D(1.5,0,0), 0.3, &spheres1);
00081         Sphere* sph2 = new Sphere(Point3D(-2.5,0,-0.5), 1.0, &spheres2);
00082         spList1->push_back(sph1);
00083         spList2->push_back(sph2);
00084         spheres1.setPrimitives(spList1);
00085         spheres2.setPrimitives(spList2);
00086         spheres1.setMaterial(&matL);
00087         spheres2.setMaterial(&matP);
00088         list->push_back(&spheres1);*/
00089         //list->push_back(&spheres2);
00090         /*vector<Triangle*>* objList = ol.getTriangles();
00091         vector<Primitive*> trList;
00092         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objList->size(); i++)
00093                 trList.push_back(objList->at(i));
00094         */
00095         /*
00096         try {
00097                 PointLight* light1 = new PointLight(RGBColor(3,3,3),Point3D(3,0,0));
00098                 PointLight* light2 = new PointLight(RGBColor(3,3,3),Point3D(2,1,0));
00099                 PointLight* light3 = new PointLight(RGBColor(2,3,1),Point3D(0,2,0));
00100                 PointLight* light4 = new PointLight(RGBColor(3,3,1),Point3D(0,-2,0));
00101                 AreaLight* alight1 = new AreaLight(RGBColor(6,6,6), Point3D(3,0,0), Vec3D(0,0,2), Vec3D(0,2,0));
00102                 AreaLightSampler* alSampler = new AreaLightSampler(alight1);
00103                 alight1->setSampler(alSampler);
00104                 //list->push_back(alight1->getObject());
00105                 Scene s(list);
00106                 s.setShadows(false);    
00107                 //s.addLight(light1);
00108                 //s.addLight(light2);
00109 //              s.addLight(light3);
00110 //              s.addLight(light4);
00111                 s.addLight(alight1);
00112                 cout << "scene" << endl;
00113                 //SimpleTracer rt(&s);
00114                 //RayCaster rt(&s);
00115                 //RayCaster tr(&s);
00116                 //StereoMetaTracer rt(cam,0.05,tr);
00117                 DebugTracer rt(&s);
00118                 cout << "tracer" << endl;
00119                 Image img = rt.trace(&cam);
00120                 //Image img = rt.trace(cam, spList);    
00121                 cout << "tracing image" << endl;
00122                 img.WritePNG("testBug.png");
00123                 cout << "fertsch" << endl;
00124                 cout << "epsilon=" << numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() << endl;
00125         }catch(exception e){
00126                 cout << "exception: " << e.what() << endl;
00127         }
00129 }*/
00131 void testLoaders()
00132 {
00133         SceneLoader sceneLoader("test-s_Scene.xml.bz2");
00134         Scene* scene = sceneLoader.getScene();
00135         Camera* cam = sceneLoader.getCamera();
00136         cout << "Finished loading Scene: " << scene->getName() << endl;
00137         cout << "Tracing loaded Scene: " << scene->getName() << endl;
00138         RayCaster rt(scene);
00139         //DebugTracer rt(scene);
00140         Image img = rt.trace(cam);
00141         img.WritePNG("testscene.png");
00142         cout << "Tracing finished" << endl;
00143 }
00144 /*
00145 void testMirror()
00146 {
00147         SceneLoader sceneLoader("boxrefract-s_Scene.xml");
00148         Scene* scene = sceneLoader.getScene();
00149         scene->setShadows(false);
00150         Camera* cam = sceneLoader.getCamera();
00151         cout << "resX=" << cam->getResolutionX() << " resY=" << cam->getResolutionY() << endl;
00152         const vector<ObjectLoader*>& ols = sceneLoader.getObjectLoaders();
00153         BSDF lambert;
00154         BSDF phong;
00155         lambert.addBXDF(new Lambertian(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9)));
00156         phong.addBXDF(new Phong(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9),0.6,0.4,10));
00157         BSDF cooktorr;
00158         complex<float> goldIOR(0.370,2.820);//Gold :: 0.370 :: 2.820
00159         complex<float> silverIOR(0.177,3.638);//Silver :: 0.177 :: 3.638
00160         complex<float> copperIOR(0.617,2.63);//Copper :: 0.617 :: 2.63
00161         complex<float> steelIOR(2.485,3.433);//Steel :: 2.485 :: 3.433
00162         BSDFMaterial matP = BSDFMaterial(phong, steelIOR);
00163         BSDFMaterial matL = BSDFMaterial(lambert, steelIOR);
00164         cooktorr.addBXDF(new CookTorrance(RGBColor(0.427, 0.278, 0), 0.40, 0.4, goldIOR));
00165         BSDFMaterial mc(cooktorr, goldIOR);
00166         BSDF cooktorr2;
00167         cooktorr2.addBXDF(new CookTorrance(RGBColor(0.67, 0.5, 0.5), 0.3, 0.5, silverIOR));
00168         BSDFMaterial mc2(cooktorr2, silverIOR);
00169         DebugMaterial debug;
00170         BlackMaterial black;
00171         DielectricMaterial glass(1.519,RGBColor(1,1,0.5));
00172         MirrorMaterial mirr(RGBColor(1,1,1));
00173         ols[0]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00174         ols[1]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00175         ols[2]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00176         ols[3]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00177         ols[4]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00178         ols[5]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00179         ols[6]->getObject()->setMaterial(&glass);
00180         ols[7]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00181         ols[8]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00182         ols[9]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00183         ols[10]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00184         ols[11]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00185         ols[12]->getObject()->setMaterial(&matL);
00186         //RayCaster st(scene);
00187         SimpleTracer rt(scene);
00188         ThreadedMetaTracer st(&rt);
00189         //DebugTracer st(scene);
00190         //SimpleTracer st(scene);
00191         Image img = st.trace(cam);
00192         img.WritePNG("testrefract.png");
00193 }
00194 */
00195 void dummySBIH() {
00197         ObjectLoader ol("boxrefract-s_Scene-o_Torus.xml.bz2");
00199         std::cout << "building KDTree" << std::endl;
00201         //SAHKDtree<Triangle> blubb(ol.getTriangles(), 50, 2);
00202 }
00204 void testQuad() 
00205 {
00206         ConvexQuad quad(0,Point3D(-1,0,-1), Point3D(-1,0,1), Point3D(1,1,2), Point3D(1,1,-1));
00207         vector<Traceable*>* list = new vector<Traceable*>();
00208         list->push_back(&quad);
00209         Scene scene(list);
00210         std::cout << "debugtracer" << std::endl;
00211         DebugTracer rt(&scene);
00212         std::cout << "camera" << std::endl;
00213         PerspectiveCamera cam(60, Point3D(4,0.5,2), Vec3D(-1,-0.125,-0.5), Vec3D(0,1,0), 640, 480);
00214         std::cout << "tracing" << std::endl;
00215         Image img = rt.trace(&cam);
00216         img.WritePNG("quadtest.png");
00217         //Ray r(Point3D(0,5,0),Vec3D(0,-1,0))
00218 }
00219 /*
00220 void testBump() 
00221 {
00222         //ConvexQuad quad(0,Point3D(-1,0,0), Point3D(-1,0,1), Point3D(1,0,1), Point3D(1,0,0));
00223         vector<Traceable*>* list = new vector<Traceable*>();
00224         //list->push_back(&quad);
00225         AffineObject bumpTest("hurz");
00226         bumpTest.setWorldMatrix(Matrix4D::identity());
00227         //DisplacedTriangle t(new Vertex(Point3D(-2,0,-2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(50,50)),new Vertex(Point3D(2,0,-2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(50,300)),new Vertex(Point3D(2,0,2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(300,300)),&bumpTest);
00228         Triangle t(new Vertex(Point3D(-2,0,-2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(0.1,0.1)),new Vertex(Point3D(2,0,-2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(0.1,0.9)),new Vertex(Point3D(2,-1,2),Vec3D(0,1,0),Point2D(0.9,0.9)),&bumpTest);
00229         vector<Primitive*>* prList = new vector<Primitive*>();
00230         prList->push_back(&t);
00232         Image texIm;
00234         std::cout << "reading texture" << std::endl;
00235         bool success = texIm.ReadPNG("StoneWall5.png");
00236         std::cout << "textureread " << success << std::endl;
00238         ImageTexture tex(&texIm);
00240         BSDF lambert;
00241         BSDF phong;
00242         lambert.addBXDF(new Lambertian(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9)));
00243         phong.addBXDF(new Phong(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9),0.6,0.4,10));
00244         BSDFMaterial matP = BSDFMaterial(phong);
00245         BSDFMaterial matL = BSDFMaterial(lambert);
00247         matP.setBumpMap(&tex);
00248         matP.setBumpFactor(0.1);
00250 //      bumpTest.setDisplDens(20);
00251 //      bumpTest.setMaxDispl(0.4);
00252 //      bumpTest.setDisplMap(&tex);
00254         bumpTest.setMaterial(&matP);
00255         bumpTest.setPrimitives(prList);
00257         list->push_back(&bumpTest);
00259         Scene scene(list);
00261         PointLight* light1 = new PointLight(RGBColor(15,15,15),Point3D(0.25,2,0));
00262         scene.addLight(light1);
00264         RayCaster rt(&scene);
00265         PerspectiveCamera cam(60, Point3D(0,4,0), Vec3D(0,-1,0), Vec3D(1,0,0), 640, 480);
00266         std::cout << "tracing" << std::endl;
00267         Image img = rt.trace(&cam);
00268         img.WritePNG("bump.png");
00269         //Ray r(Point3D(0,5,0),Vec3D(0,-1,0))
00270 }
00271 */
00272 void testDispl1() 
00273 {
00274         //ConvexQuad quad(0,Point3D(-1,0,0), Point3D(-1,0,1), Point3D(1,0,1), Point3D(1,0,0));
00275         vector<Traceable*>* list = new vector<Traceable*>();
00276         //list->push_back(&quad);
00278         Image texIm;
00280         std::cout << "reading texture" << std::endl;
00281         bool success = texIm.ReadPNG("StoneWall5.png");
00282         std::cout << "textureread " << success << std::endl;
00284         ImageTexture tex(&texIm);
00286         AffineObject bumpTest("hurz");
00288         bumpTest.setDisplMap(&tex);
00289         bumpTest.setDisplDens(3);
00290         bumpTest.setMaxDispl(0.6);
00292         bumpTest.setWorldMatrix(Matrix4D::identity());
00294 //      Vec3D vn1 = Vec3D(-0.1,1,-0.1);
00295 //      Vec3D vn2 = Vec3D(0.1,1,-0.1);
00296 //      Vec3D vn3 = Vec3D(0.1,1,0.1);
00298         Vec3D vn1 = Vec3D(0,1,0);
00299         Vec3D vn2 = Vec3D(0,1,0);
00300         Vec3D vn3 = Vec3D(0,1,0);
00302         DisplacedTriangle t(new Vertex(Point3D(-2,0,-2),vn1,Point2D(0.1,0.1)),new Vertex(Point3D(2,0,-1),vn2,Point2D(0.1,0.9)),new Vertex(Point3D(1,0,2),vn3,Point2D(0.9,0.9)),&bumpTest);
00303         vector<Primitive*>* prList = new vector<Primitive*>();
00304         prList->push_back(&t);
00306         BSDF lambert;
00307         BSDF phong;
00308         lambert.addBXDF(new Lambertian(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9)));
00309         phong.addBXDF(new Phong(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9),RGBColor(0.4,0.5,0.1),10));
00310         BSDFMaterial matP = BSDFMaterial(phong);
00311         BSDFMaterial matL = BSDFMaterial(lambert);
00313         matP.setBumpMap(&tex);
00314         matP.setBumpFactor(0.1);
00316         DebugMaterial dm;
00318 //      bumpTest.setDisplDens(20);
00319 //      bumpTest.setMaxDispl(0.4);
00320 //      bumpTest.setDisplMap(&tex);
00322         bumpTest.setMaterial(&dm);
00323         bumpTest.setPrimitives(prList);
00325         list->push_back(&bumpTest);
00327         Scene scene(list);
00329         PointLight* light1 = new PointLight(RGBColor(15,15,15),Point3D(0.25,2,0));
00330         scene.addLight(light1);
00332         DebugTracer rt(&scene);
00333         PerspectiveCamera cam(60, Point3D(0,4,0), Vec3D(0,-1,0), Vec3D(1,0,0), 640, 480);
00334         std::cout << "tracing" << std::endl;
00335         Ray r = cam.getRay(Point2D(540,360));
00336         //rt.trace(r);
00337         Image img = rt.trace(&cam);
00338         img.WritePNG("displ.png");
00339         //Ray r(Point3D(0,5,0),Vec3D(0,-1,0))
00340 }
00342 /*
00343 void testBug()
00344 {
00345         SceneLoader sceneLoader("glass-s_Scene.xml.bz2");
00346         const vector<ObjectLoader*>& ols = sceneLoader.getObjectLoaders();
00347         Scene* scene = sceneLoader.getScene();
00348         scene->setShadows(false);
00349         BSDF lambert;
00350         BSDF phong;
00351         lambert.addBXDF(new Lambertian(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.9)));
00352         phong.addBXDF(new Phong(RGBColor(0.6,0.5,0.5),0.3,0.7,30));
00353         BSDF cooktorr;
00354         complex<float> goldIOR(0.370,2.820);//Gold :: 0.370 :: 2.820
00355         complex<float> silverIOR(0.177,3.638);//Silver :: 0.177 :: 3.638
00356         complex<float> copperIOR(0.617,2.63);//Copper :: 0.617 :: 2.63
00357         complex<float> steelIOR(2.485,3.433);//Steel :: 2.485 :: 3.433
00358         BSDFMaterial matP = BSDFMaterial(phong, steelIOR);
00359         BSDFMaterial matL = BSDFMaterial(lambert, steelIOR);
00360         cooktorr.addBXDF(new CookTorrance(RGBColor(0.95294, 0.97254, 1), 0.08, 0.9, silverIOR));
00361         BSDFMaterial mc(cooktorr, silverIOR);
00362         BSDF cooktorr2;
00363         cooktorr2.addBXDF(new CookTorrance(RGBColor(0.67, 0.5, 0.5), 0.3, 0.5, silverIOR));
00364         BSDFMaterial mc2(cooktorr2, silverIOR);
00365         DebugMaterial debug;
00366         BlackMaterial black;
00367         DielectricMaterial glass(1.4,RGBColor(1,1,1));
00368         MirrorMaterial mirr(RGBColor(1,1,1));
00369         ols[0]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00370         ols[1]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00371         ols[2]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00372         ols[3]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00373         ols[4]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00374         ols[5]->getObject()->setMaterial(&glass);
00375         //ols[6]->getObject()->setMaterial(&mc);
00376         Camera* cam = sceneLoader.getCamera();
00377         SimpleTracer rt(scene);
00378         ThreadedMetaTracer st(&rt);
00379         Image img = st.trace(cam);
00380         img.WritePNG("testShadows.png");
00381 }*/

Generated on Thu Jan 31 19:26:19 2008 for RenderingCompetitionRayTracer by  doxygen 1.5.3