Package java.awt.geom

Interface Summary
PathIterator The PathIterator interface provides the mechanism for objects that implement the Shape interface to return the geometry of their boundary by allowing a caller to retrieve the path of that boundary a segment at a time.

Class Summary
AffineTransform The AffineTransform class represents a 2D affine transform that performs a linear mapping from 2D coordinates to other 2D coordinates that preserves the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines.
Arc2D Arc2D is the abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D arc defined by a bounding rectangle, start angle, angular extent (length of the arc), and a closure type (OPEN, CHORD, or PIE).
Arc2D.Double This class defines an arc specified in double precision.
Arc2D.Float This class defines an arc specified in float precision.
ArcIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of an arc through the PathIterator interface.
Area The Area class is a device-independent specification of an arbitrarily-shaped area.
CubicCurve2D The CubicCurve2D class defines a cubic parametric curve segment in (x,  y) coordinate space.
CubicCurve2D.Double A cubic parametric curve segment specified with double coordinates.
CubicCurve2D.Float A cubic parametric curve segment specified with float coordinates.
CubicIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of a cubic curve segment through the PathIterator interface.
Dimension2D The Dimension2D class is to encapsulate a width and a height dimension.
Ellipse2D The Ellipse2D class describes an ellipse that is defined by a bounding rectangle.
Ellipse2D.Double The Double class defines an ellipse specified in double precision.
Ellipse2D.Float The Float class defines an ellipse specified in float precision.
EllipseIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of an ellipse through the PathIterator interface.
FlatteningPathIterator The FlatteningPathIterator class returns a flattened view of another PathIterator object.
GeneralPath The GeneralPath class represents a geometric path constructed from straight lines, and quadratic and cubic (Bézier) curves.
GeneralPathIterator This class represents the iterator for General Paths.
Line2D This Line2D represents a line segment in (x, y) coordinate space.
Line2D.Double A line segment specified with double coordinates.
Line2D.Float A line segment specified with float coordinates.
LineIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of a line segment through the PathIterator interface.
Point2D The Point2D class defines a point representing a location in (x, y) coordinate space.
Point2D.Double The Double class defines a point specified in double precision.
Point2D.Float The Float class defines a point specified in float precision.
QuadCurve2D The QuadCurve2D class defines a quadratic parametric curve segment in (x, y) coordinate space.
QuadCurve2D.Double A quadratic parametric curve segment specified with double coordinates.
QuadCurve2D.Float A quadratic parametric curve segment specified with float coordinates.
QuadIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of a quadratic curve segment through the PathIterator interface.
Rectangle2D The Rectangle2D class describes a rectangle defined by a location (x, y) and dimension (w x h).
Rectangle2D.Double The Double class defines a rectangle specified in double coordinates.
Rectangle2D.Float The Float class defines a rectangle specified in float coordinates.
RectangularShape RectangularShape is the base class for a number of Shape objects whose geometry is defined by a rectangular frame.
RectIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of a rectangle through the PathIterator interface.
RoundRectangle2D The RoundRectangle2D class defines a rectangle with rounded corners defined by a location (x, y), a dimension (w x h), and the width and height of an arc with which to round the corners.
RoundRectangle2D.Double The Double class defines a rectangle with rounded corners all specified in double coordinates.
RoundRectangle2D.Float The Float class defines a rectangle with rounded corners all specified in float coordinates.
RoundRectIterator A utility class to iterate over the path segments of an rounded rectangle through the PathIterator interface.

Exception Summary
IllegalPathStateException The IllegalPathStateException represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed on a path that is in an illegal state with respect to the particular operation being performed, such as appending a path segment to a GeneralPath without an initial moveto.
NoninvertibleTransformException The NoninvertibleTransformException class represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed requiring the inverse of an AffineTransform object but the AffineTransform is in a non-invertible state.